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Crapo: Congress could ‘step up’ in pursuit of a more traditional trade agenda.

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“hese restrictions have been hanging over the heads of American farmers for over two years now and the Government of Mexico has not addressed core U.S. GOP Ways & Means leaders urge ‘formal’ USMCA dispute over Mexican corn.agricultural products but don’t spark the introduction of non-tariff trade barriers, the agency’s chief agricultural negotiator said on Wednesday. Trade Representative is working to ensure the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity’s sustainability initiatives facilitate greater market access for U.S. McKalip: USTR working to ensure sustainability focus doesn't spur trade barriers.

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market and threatening jobs, a bipartisan group of senators has told the administration, alleging the surge violates a 2019 agreement between the two countries and urging officials to press Mexico to “remedy” the breach. Mexican steel imports are flooding the U.S.

  • Senators urge Tai, Raimondo to address Mexican steel ‘surge’.

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